5/2/2019 Eportfolio

2822EF7D-F9D8-45B8-A20B-FB5DD070FDEFThe class was taught on how to find the surface area of prisms, pyramids, cylinder and cones. They share an specific letter for their formula,

prism= PH+2B. The P stands for perimeter of the base, and H stands for height. The B stands for the area of the base.

Other surface areas for these shapes may include half, pi or radius squared.

4/25/2019 Eportfolio

B4598907-7187-4FC7-8F8D-5CF22DF25C71We learned about rhombus. Rhombus is a parallelogram that has 4 congruent sides. If a parallelogram is a rhombus, then it’s diagonals are perpendicular.  



We talked about trapezoids. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides. If the trapezoid is isosceles, then each pair of base angles are congruent.


5/9/2019 Eportfolio

589E2C1E-1871-4791-97AA-9C15335196D7The 3- dimensional shapes volume. Discussion of the pyramid, sphere, prisms, and cones. Volume is the quantity of three dimensional space that a shape contains. Formula for pyramid is 1/3bh. B is the area of the base and h is the height of the pyramid. A sphere volume is v=bh.

4/12/2019 Eportfolio

I’m late but that week we learned about rectangles. Rectangles are parallelograms with 4 right angles. It has two sets of parallel sides that are congruent. Consecutive angles are supplementary, diagonals bisect each other. If a parallelogram is a rectangle, then it’s diagonals are congruent. If the diagonals Of a parallelogram are congruent, then the parallelogram is a rectangle.

4/5/2019 Eportfolio

angles of a polygon with n sides is (n – 2)180. The measure of each interior angle of an equiangular n-gon is. If you count one exterior angle at each vertex, the sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a polygon is always 360 degrees.  a parallelogram is a   quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides. The opposite or facing sides of a parallelogram are of equal length and the opposite angles of a parallelogram are of equal measure.



4/1/2019 Eportfolio

My spring break was somewhat decent, I had track practice. Gotta improve on a whole lot of stuff that was horrible last season. I got my wisdom teeth pulled (all 4 of them). It was one THE MOST painful experiences of my life because I couldn’t do nothing afterwards, I couldn’t eat regular food for a while. I wasn’t stuck eat mash potatoes and ice cream for a while, it was hard because I couldn’t let anything get into the extraction point where my teeth were pulled from. Til this day I still have problem with that, because if I don’t keep it clean, The food can get stuck and clog up the extraction and get effected,     That pretty much sums up my 2019 spring break.

1/17/18 Eportfolio

A diameter of a circle is a chord that passes through the center and has both ends on the circle made up of collinear radii., a diameter is a special kind of chord!

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